Aesir Ecommerce

Step into the future with personalised customer experiences.

Create Better User Experiences

Everyone has different preferences, behaviours, and goals - even when they visit your website.

That is why it is crucial to communicate the exact right message to every visitor at the right time and in the right context - otherwise you lose the opportunity to provide those visitors with the product or service they are looking for.

Aesir Ecommerce is the next generation digital platform that gives you the ability to personalise the online experience of your users - individually and at scale.

This revolutionary solution provides unique insights into user behaviour that can easily be combined with your content to create ultra-personalised and ever meaningful customer experiences.

Aesir Ecommerce provides a more effective omnichannel solution that prioritises conversions first and foremost through insight into user behaviour. B2B customers often have different wants and needs than B2C customers, so being able to target specific segments and create a consistent user experience is crucial.

With Aesir, it’s easy to create the perfect user journey for a potentially limitless amount of users - at the same time and in real-time. 


Aesir Ecommerce contains more than 200 specific features currently - but the list is still growing.

Intelligent personalisation

Aesir automatically analyses every visitor’s behaviour and generates an engagement value based on their journey. Use this to find out what your customers want and personalise their experiences to increase both conversion and retention rates.

Marketing in context

Predictive modeling is one of the most impactful techniques in modern marketing, and Aesir is at the forefront of analytics as applied to ecommerce. Create the perfect user journey and cater to infinite target groups through their personal context.

Ultimate sales tool

Be available for your customers at any time with advanced customer management that allows you to micro-segment every target group based on insight. Integrate Aesir with your CRM-system to keep track of every individual customer.

Advanced customer pages

All-in-one page customised for each user with access to everything every individual customer needs from your business. Ongoing orders, quick lists, favourites, invoices, inquieries, newsletter subscriptions, and many more available features.

Everything is integrated 

With Aesir, no integration is outside the realm of possibility. Available integrations include Aesir DAM, PIM, ERP, and Mailflows, but Aesir is flexible enough that any custom integrations can also be implemented as requested by your business.

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